Monday, 11 May 2009

Day -35: Unusual shopping in Shepherds Bush Market

19.3.09 - Tomorrow I’m doing something that I’ve never done before, I am going shopping for an Abaya.A black nylon heat absorbing body bag which will hide warts and all, my body from the neck down. No more worries about what to wear for the school run, in fact no need to get dressed for the school run, slip on your abaya on top of your pyjamas if you fancy, and off you go.

Plus, I’ll need a scarf to cover my hair (no need to cover my face I believe).

So I’m thinking, what will be left of me to see? Well none of my elusive assets that’s for sure. Just my glasses and a heat flushed sweaty face. Nice. However, I’m not vain so of course it won’t matter…

<-- Abi and I in Shepherds Bush Market

The purchase of my first abaya is going to be a fun and memorable event, my good friend Abi and I are going to Shepherds Bush market to check out the styles. I think I’ll get 2, a plain black one, and preferably in a breathable material like silk or cotton? I hope to get some advice there… And a funky one, with embroidery at the bottom of the sleeves which I believe is allowed.

Shopping aside, I have two weeks to pack up the rest of the house which involves picking up every single object, examining it, and deciding whether to:         

a. bin it

         b. store it

         c. ship it to Saudi

         d. bring it to Saudi in hand luggage

         e. give it to a good cause (friend, family, freecycle)

         f. deal with it later, because I can’t decide

 Considering we’ve lived in our house for 10 years and Dirk and I are both hoarders…

 Oh, and as well as packing, I need to:

a.   finalise the sale of the business and seek very creative tax adviser to minimise tax bill

b.   finish house renovations and get house ready for new tenants (luckily great friends of ours)

c.    inform all relevant parties we are leaving which is no mean feat (try telling the TV Licencing  people that you are moving - if the licence is in your husbands name they will refuse to take instructions)

d.   and of course be a perfect mum – at all times

 It’s hard at this point to see beyond all this and think about life in Riyadh. I have visions of extreme heat, rolling sand dunes, camel meat, home brew, dust, and fancy shopping malls. 

1 comment:

  1. after seeing how awful I (Abi) look in the coat pictured I have given it to charity and wished that I too was wearing an abaya! Thanks Flo for sharing it!
